Toward 2041
Planning for the future of the Churchill River
Welcome to the website for the Churchill River Management Expert Panel
The Panel has spent the past several months gathering the right information and reviewing options to provide strategic advice to Government in consideration of the Churchill River assets. The Panel has now concluded its work and provided advice to the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. Click on the button below to download an overview of the Panel and its perspective.

About the Expert Panel
The Churchill River Management Expert Panel was announced by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador in May of 2022 and has been given the task of recommending potential approaches to government to ensure long-term benefits from the Churchill Falls assets.

In December, 2021, Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro marked the 50th anniversary of the Churchill Falls Hydroelectric Generating Station. On December 6th, 1971, the Station successfully delivered power across its 735kV transmission lines, more than 1,200 km, to Montreal.